Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

CCH Office Locations: Oʻahu | Hawaiʻi Island | Kauaʻi | Maui 


Supportive Services for Veteran Families

Designed to assist veterans in search of temporary or permanent housing, our Supportive Services For Veteran Families (SSVF) program is here to help. The program helps homeless veterans or those at risk of homelessness and their families achieve housing stability by providing them resources for transitional or long-term housing.

Services under the SSVF program include:

  • Client case management
  • Housing search assistance
  • Landlord mediation
  • Temporary financial assistance
  • Connection to veteran services, social security benefits             and related health care services

Eligibility Requirements:

To be eligible for the SSVF program, participants must:

  1. Be a military veteran family (either a single person or a family in which the head of household or the spouse is a veteran)
  2. Earn a household income that does not exceed 50 percent of the area median income (as adjusted to the Hawai‘i cost of living)
  3. Be homeless and prepared to move into permanent housing within 90 days; or be at risk of losing current permanent housing

Contact Our Help Line


(808) 521-HELP (4357)


(808) 873-HOPE (4673)


(808) 241-HOPE (4673)

Hawai‘i Island

(808) 935-HOPE (4673)

Success Stories

Many lives are changed with the help of our program and services. The following are success stories from those who benefited from our work and our partnership with donors, foundations, organizations, government and other social service agencies.