Kauaʻi Programs & Services
Catholic Charities Hawai‘i’s Kaua‘i community office was founded in 1992 in response to the devastation brought forth by Hurricane Iniki to the island. Since then, CCH staff has provided an array of social services to assist community members.

Housing Related Services
These programs help individuals and families secure or retain permanent housing. These programs include case management, tenancy skills, budgeting, and follow-up services.

Community Assistance Program
Local grants as well as individual donors allow us to address gap needs in our community.

Statewide Resource Family Program (SRF)
Training, and resources for child-specific resource families.

General Immigration Services
A free initial consultation will be scheduled with an accredited Department of Justice specialist.

Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)
Monitoring and safe and stable placement of children in foster or relative care across state lines.
Contact Our Kauaʻi Community Office
4373 Rice Street, Suite 1
Lihue, HI 96766
CCH Kaua‘i faces Rice Street and is across the street from Central Pacific Bank, between Curtis Law Construction and the tailor shop.
Phone: (808) 241-4673
Fax: (808) 632-6919